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Car thieves favorite vehicles to steal in 2017

Car thieves definitely have their favorite vehicles to steal, and they’re not the flashy sports or luxury sedans they go after. Data reveals that car thieves’ favorite vehicles to pilfer are new and used mainstream models. These are the stats for 2017. It will be interesting to see what the favorites will have been for 2018.

Vehicles topping the list for car thieves in 2017

The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) recently released their list of the top most stolen cars in the U.S. annually.

New and Used Vehicles Stolen in 2017

According to the 2017 “Hot Wheels” list they compiled, the top ten most new and usedstolen cars are as follows:

NICB reports that “while Honda Accords and Civics produced prior to the introduction of anti-theft technology continue to dominate this report, a deeper look at the data demonstrates just how effective anti-theft technology continues to be.”

In 2017, 6,707-1998 Honda Civics were stolen compared with just 388- 2017 Civics. Put another way, 17-1998 Civics were stolen last year for every one 2017 model.

Looking at the first chart, you’ll notice that out of the ten, 8 vehicles are used. Used cars are taken to “chop-shops” where they are disassembled and their components sold as replacement parts. They frequently get marketed on such sites as Craigslist and EBay. They are also sold to shady auto parts dealers who don’t ask where the parts came from. There is a big market for some big-item parts such as flashy wheels, catalytic converters, and airbags that unscrupulous auto dealers will buy on the spot.

On the other hand, stolen new cars are usually sold intact, normally accompanied by doctored paperwork. Most higher-end sports cars are shipped abroad for resale.

How to guard against your car being purloined

Even with more advanced anti-theft technology, more cars than ever are being stolen. The NCIB recommends four layers of protection to prevent your car from being stolen.

  • Common Sense:  Lock your car and take your keys. It’s simple enough, but many thefts occur because owners make it easy for thieves to steal their cars.

  • Warning Device:  Having and using a visible or audible warning device is another item that can ensure that your car remains where you left it.

  • Immobilizing Device:  Generally speaking, if your vehicle can’t be started, it can’t be stolen. “Kill” switches, fuel cut-offs and smart keys are among the devices that are extremely effective.

  • Tracking Device: A tracking device emits a signal to the police or to a monitoring station when the vehicle is stolen. Tracking devices are very effective in helping authorities recover stolen vehicles. Some systems employ “telematics,” which combine GPS and wireless technologies to allow remote monitoring of a vehicle. If the vehicle is moved, the system will alert the owner and the vehicle can be tracked via computer.

Source: The National Insurance Crime Bureau

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