Bicycles on the roads in Neenah, Green Bay and the rest of Wisconsin are becoming more and more popular. Unfortunately, this popularity gives rise to more incidences of bicycle accidents. In this article, we will explain what to do in case you have the misfortune of having such an accident when another party is at fault.
Bicycle accident statistics in Wisconsin and nationwide
In the U.S., bicycle commuters have grown by almost 50% since 2000, with cyclist vs. car being the most common and deadliest type of bicycle accident. According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT), motor vehicle driver errors cause over 90% of bicycle accidents in the state and the chances of being seriously injured or killed when hit are 95%.
In Wisconsin, nearly 1/3 of all crashes, both child and adult, involve a bicyclist going against traffic.
Regardless of the season, bicyclist deaths occurred most often between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.
Bicyclist deaths occur most often in urban areas (75%) compared to rural areas (25%) in 2017.
Bicyclist deaths were 8 times higher for males than females in 2017.
Alcohol was involved in 37% of all fatal bicyclist crashes in 2017.
The highest injury rate occurs in the 20-24 age group, while cyclists between the ages of 55-59 have the highest fatality rate.
What should you do if you are injured in a bicycle accident?
Most personal injury bicycle injuries occur when a motor vehicle strikes the bicycle. If you ever have the misfortune of being involved in a bicycle accident, keep the following information in mind.
The most important thing is to assess your immediate safety. If possible, get off the road to avoid the risk of getting injured further.
If you’ve been seriously injured, stay still and do not move until assistance arrives. Try to do a self-assessment and check to see ifyour vision is normal, if anything hurts when you take a deep breath, if you are short of breath, and if you are experiencing any abdominal or head pain. You should report any symptoms to an EMT or other medical personnel.
If possible, move your bike off the road to prevent another possible motor vehicle accident, but be sure to move it only if it is safe to do so.
Call 911 for the police and, if no one else can help you, call an ambulance.
If you are able to, get relevant information from the driver that hit you. This includes getting his or her name, driver’s license number, color, make and model of the vehicle, license plate number, and insurance information.
Get contact information of any witnesses to the accident and take note of the location, and time and date of the accident.
If possible, safely take photos of the accident scene and damage to your bike and the motor vehicle.
When the police arrive, they will prepare an accident report. Ask to review it to make sure the information is accurate and complete.
Call your insurance company as soon as you have the opportunity to report the accident.
ALWAYS get medical attention, even if you feel you weren’t seriously injured.
Seeking legal representation
If you have been involved in a bicycle accident in Wisconsin due to someone else’s negligence, give us a call and we can discuss your case. Remember, all consultations are free.
For your continued safety please avail yourself of a list of Bicycle Safety Tips. You can read aboutWisconsin bicycle laws here.
If you have any questions about this topic or any other questions related to personal injury law, please call us at 920-725-8464, or toll free at 1-800-529-1552. Our personal injury consultations are always free.
Please click on read our other personal injury articles.
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